Music Downloads

Sindhu Ratan Ram Jethmalani repeatedly has suggested that Song of Sindhu Hindu must reach every Sindhi home. He has also suggested that Koshi Lalvani must sing this album at every major Sindhi celebration organized by Sindhi Institution.The Bharat Times Australia in their January 2007 issue commented A glowing tribute to the Sindhi identity, the album tells the story of the vanguard Sindhi ancestors, who established the principles and ideals of Sanatana Dharma, the root of Hinduism. For those who believe in Sindhyat, it is a great and a memorable song. Comments on CD can be read on Music Link on the web site. The AIS decided to allow visitors download access to the Sindhi Version of the Song and Ram Jethmalanis introductory message.

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Track 1 Introduction by Shri Ram Jethmalani
Track 2 Ananya Dutta
Track 3 Sindhu Hindu-Ananya Dutta
Track 4 Sindhu Hindu-Koshi Lalwani
Track 5 Mool Manra Hi Om Koshi Lalwani
Track 6 Sindhu Hindu (Sindhi) Koshi Lalwani
Track 7 Jaag Sindhi Jaag Koshi Lalwani
Track 8 Heeran Jo Hamrah Jhulelal (Koshi Lalwani)